A More Equitable Way to Fund Schools Building Maintenance and Operations Costs

The way we fund school building maintenance and operations (M&O) structurally disadvantages DCPS. It requires DCPS to spend more – to the tune of $558 per student (or $28.6 million a year overall) -- from their funds, which are needed to serve students, than the charter Local Education Agencies overall spend of their funds.

The Council should address this structural unfairness in the budget for FY21. It can do so by moving to pay DCPS utility expense (around $23.7 million a year) outside of the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (PSFF)

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Adjusting DCPS Enrollment Projection to Account for Mid-Year Transfers

The way we fund enrollment in our LEAs structurally disadvantages DCPS, failing to fund it to serve the thousands of students who come through its doors midyear while generously allowing the charter sector to retain funds for the approximately 1,350 plus students who leave their schools midyear. The net effect is to provide the charter sector with at least a $20 million advantage relative to DCPS in terms of enrollment based funding each year.

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Open Letter: Working together for great DCPS public schools in all corners of the city

The Coalition for DC Public Schools and Communities (C4DC) welcomes the additional funds of $7.4 million committed to the DC public schools. We believe the District of Columbia should be committed to ensuring that our communities are provided a high quality DCPS matter of right path in every neighborhood from pre-school through 12th grade.

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