Tools for the FY 23 Budget

Thank you to those that have pulled together these tools and datasets developed, curated, and shared by DC residents and parents, in support of a more transparent DCPS budget process. Please help yourself to these:

  1. Template helpful in comparing SY23 vs SY22 positions, costs, budget at the school level.  Developed by - Dr. Betsy Wolf (DCPS parent, Ward 6 resident)

  2. DCPS-provided data of ESSER funds that were allocated to schools *after* fy22 budgets were submitted (and therefore not accessible in the ‘submitted budgets’ on DCPS’ Budget website)
    Curated by - Dr. Mary Levy (DCPS budget expert, Ward 2 resident)

  3. SY23 initial budget envelopes across all schools. Data scraped from the DCPS budget website.
    Scraped by - David Alpert (Ward 2 Ed Council President, Ward 2 resident)

  4. 2022 DCPS New Model vs. General Ed by Mary Levy

Mary Levy has also kindly pulled the Budget Guide into a word doc here.